Services & Projects


OVERWATCH is a project funded by European Space Program Agency (EUSPA) under the Horizon Europe programme, which focuses on safety of cities and on protection of citizens in emergencies caused by natural disasters.

We lead a consortium of 10 partners in 5 different countries. Our shareholder Links Foundation is also a partner in the project with us.

Climate change impacts

Climate change is taking place: the frequency and impact of a number of natural hazards including floods, earthquakes, droughts, landslides and fires, responsible for deaths, is increasing, injured and displaced, and of serious destruction and disruption of property and industries with a serious impact on the economy for years after the event. Therefore it becomes increasingly necessary to have more efficient crisis planning and command tools and new methodologies


In Europe, between 1970 and 2019, they were recorded 1,672 disasters (floods, storms, fires, heat waves) in Europe, causing 159,438 victims and an economic impact of over 420 million euros.








The project's goal

OVERWATCH’s goal is to develop an integrated holographic management system for emergency and disaster response, recovery and mitigation, enabling authorities to rapidly deploy and manage air, water and land assets and personnel thanks to an immersive and decentralized command platform.

This system will be supported by the combination of several already existing services for emergency management and security with digital technologies, artificial intelligence, drones, 5G, augmented reality that will provide the necessary performance to make this system a valuable asset for the protection of citizens, the territory and infrastructures.

The project, launched in November 2022, will last 36 months.

Project funded in the Horizon Europe Programme (CALL:HORIZON-EUSPA-2021-SPACE) under Grant Agreement 101082320