Extreme Rainfall Detection System (ERDS)
Extreme Rainfall Detection System (ERDS) is a monitoring and forecasting service for exceptional rainfall events, with an almost global geographical coverage. This system was designed as a strategic tool, which provides complete, immediate and intuitive information, to be used during the phases of emergency operations.
The information is accessible through a WebGIS application, developed in a completely open source environment, which processes and disseminates alerts in an understandable way even for non-specialist users.
The features
The main features are: analysis of rainfall amounts in near real-time and forecasted rainfall amounts for different times, with the aim of providing warnings of extreme rainfall. The methodology for detecting extreme rainfall is based on limit concept. A limit represents the amount of precipitation required to trigger a flood event induced by extreme precipitation. In particular, if an accumulated rainfall exceeds this limit, in a specific interval, a warning is issued.
The ERDS can also provide longer-term warnings (up to 6 days) for heavy rain and flooding, using rainfall forecast data from Global Forecast System (NOAA-GFS) deterministic weather forecasting models. on a 12-hour basis.
The system was used by World Food Program (WFP) Emergency Preparedness Unit.