Services & Projects

EO Clinic

EO Clinic is a rapid response mechanism based on Earth Observation on a small scale in support of a wide range of projects and activities related to International Development. EO Clinic is structured in ‘on-demand’ teams ready to assist development projects with a full range of skills and experience in generating and analysing geospatial products based on a wide variety of satellite data. This activity is also an opportunity to explore more innovative EO ( Earth Observation) products related to the development or improvement of methodologies for the definition of socio-economic and environmental parameters and indicators.

The service's description

EO Clinic support is provided in 11 different subject areas. Among these, our team specifically focuses on: climate change, natural risk management, urban management, non-EO information and analysis (innovative/superior products that test the integration of EO and non-EO data, for ex. in-situ, socio-economic data etc.).