Services & Projects

Di Difesa in Difesa

With a view to a real aerospace supply chain that distinguishes our work, we have increasingly a strong partnership with Politecnico di Torino and LINKS Foundation, as suppliers of cartographic services at the service of research

In particular, LINKS Foundation has been developing processes for the enhancement of cultural heritage and “excellent” landscapes for years, such as candidacy applications for the lists and programs promoted by UNESCO.

The UNESCO heritage – a true emblem of the concept of Common Good – is often used as a lever for the development and application of concrete actions for the knowledge and dissemination of the value of places, for accessibility for all and enjoyment (real and virtual) of cultural heritage, for social inclusion through culture, for sustainable tourism.

The project in brief

The project concerns the creation of tools to support educational itineraries aimed primarily at high schools. The topics covered are historical, environmental and sustainable development, available through an website that allows access and use of various contents. In particular, the transnational UNESCO site of the “Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar” extends for more than 1,000 kilometres, developing between Bergamo, the extreme west of the Republic of Venice, and the coast Eastern Adriatic, including the 3 Italian components of Bergamo, Peschiera del Garda and Palmanova, the 2 components of Zadar and Šibenik in Croatia and the fortress of Cattaro in Montenegro. Together they represent the majesty and modernity of the defensive network developed in the Renaissance by the Republic of Venice and based on modern-style fortresses, designed thanks to the joint contribution of experts in the art of war, mathematicians, architects, urban planners and engineers, who combined experience and skills to study the best solutions.

The goals of the project are:

Provide tools

for reading the landscape and investigating the territory to which it belongs

Promote behaviors

of environmental protection and awareness of the cultural heritage of the UNESCO site

Promote a sense of belonging

to the local community and appreciation for the history and landscape of its territory

Support teachers

through interdisciplinary teaching materials and initiatives that directly involve students